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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Opening Spiritual Eyes in Deliverance

A person’s spiritual eyes can be opened during their deliverance session due to different reasons and circumstances. The demonic can open our eyes as well as Holy Spirit.
1. Demons will throw up distorted or false memories or visualization. (which is in reality a type of sorcery or divination which has been used by shamans, witchdoctors, and sorcerers for thousands of years, and is specifically forbid by the Bible)
2. Sometimes a person will see and feel things as the demon leaves. (demons memory)
3. Demons can cause allusions. (Seeing can bring or empower fear causing confusion etc.)
4. Witchcraft spirits will allow a person to see what is happening in the spirit sometimes distorting truth and empowering strongholds that are being challenged.
5. Outside (Cosmos, collective pool) demons can cause sphere empowerment bringing confusion also causing illusions and deception to a person. (divination)
Holy Spirit
1. Gifts (Word of Knowledge, Discernment,) some have a gift that can be used at any given time. Others have gifts but can only use at certain times.
2. Anointing (brings us knowledge which helps us to see.)
3. He will reveal what need to transpire in order to achieve the deliverance (repentance, renouncement etc.)
4. Through Healing (seeing sometimes is necessary to bring healing)

There can also be stipulations to where neither the demons nor Holy Spirit can operate in opening a person’s spiritual eyes in deliverance. They are:
1. Lack of Faith (unbelief)
2. Immaturity in Christ (depending on the situation)
3. Insecurity (fear)
4. Doubt (wouldn’t believe it if they saw it.)
5. Holy Spirit isn't opening a persons spiritual eyes because it is not His plan.

Guided Imagery
Praying for the Lord to open a person’s spiritual eye is a bible bases prayer. However, there should be some considerations before openly doing so.
It could open door for deception.
1. If it is not Gods plan to do so and the person is now ready to receive impression or revelation, the above things that we mentioned can happen.
2. It can be perceived at directed prayer in the realm of the person thinks they are expected to have some sort of image or revelation. They can fake or be deceived. (As in Laura)
3. Sometimes memories are not what the person needs and if Holy Spirit is not involved demons can overwhelm from the subconscious mind, as their always trying to come out.

Note: Everyone is different and the Holy Spirit should be in charge. Don’t put restrictions on God; He will guide a deliverance session if He is allowed.

Rather then saying “Open their eyes” or “I command Memories” it is better to ask God to ‘Speak His Truth” or ask “Holy Spirit to be in Control of all revelation given in this session” and for God to have His will. Never tell them what you think happened to them on the basis of the symptoms.
Opening ones spiritual eyes is the works of God. We have a responsibility to be spiritually filled and ready to accomplish what God has called us to do in the deliverance ministry. We are called to seek Him in all things. If we are faithful to do so He will guide us and lead us in all truths and quicken us to the schemes of hell.
When Jesus opens our spiritual eyes (and He does) during healing and deliverance it is an awesome and real experience. We are to be cautious and not fearful in fulfilling our call and He will give the discernment.

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