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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Understanding Deliverance

Understanding Deliverance
Can A Christian Have a Demon?
When you go into the ministry of casting out demons (Mark 16) you will inevitably be challenged with the question: 'Can a born-again believer have a demon?'
In charismatic circles the question is: 'Can a believer who is baptized in the Spirit have a demon? Absolutely not!' is the standard answer. 'The Holy Spirit cannot dwell in the same body as a demon!' This is often spoken with the insistence of a slogan, to close the mind to further inquiry.
However, this answer cannot be supported by scripture. In fact, it is an extra-scriptural piece of logic that rests on an assumption. It is dangerous to assume that Satan and his demons have some kind of hands-off policy when it comes to believers while the truth is that believers are the very objects of their wrath and attack.
In the New Testament, the Greek word 'daimonizomai' is used to express the presence of demonic spirits within a person. What this word means is: 'to be demonized; to be under the power or influence of a demon in certain areas; to have a demon.'
In the King James Version of the Bible this particular Greek word is translated 11 times as 'to be possessed with devils'. The word 'possessed,' however, is a misleading translation for this Greek word. To English speaking people the term 'possessed' implies total ownership of something. This concept, as pertaining to the relationship between a demonic entity and a person, has no support in the scripture or in the original intent of the Greek word. There is no suggestion in the scripture that a demon has totally taken over a person as the word 'possessed' implies. Even the Gaderene demoniac had enough humanity to cry out to Jesus for help.
Rather, after close scriptural study, it can be seen that the effect of demons upon people was usually in one or more areas of the personality - not the whole person. The best translation of this Greek word is: 'to be demonized' or to 'have a demon.'
While a believer may profess Jesus Christ as Lord of their life, it's quite possible that certain areas of the life may be under the domination and controlling influence of demonic spirits, i.e. an area of jealousy, lust, or annoying and compulsive habits.
Because of a scriptural misunderstanding of exactly what occurred at their spiritual rebirth, many believe that they are somehow immune, or instantly free, from the strongholds, bondages and curses accumulated during a lifetime or generations of sin.
A careful study of the New Testament will reveal that our spiritual rebirth was just that, a 'spiritual' rebirth. Jesus said in the third chapter of John; 'That which is born of the Spirit is spirit.' It was the human spirit that received life when we confessed our sins and were born again. God told Adam that in the day he ate of the forbidden fruit he would die. Yet he went on to live for many hundreds of years. What died in Adam when he fell into sin? Obviously it was that same part of his nature that Christ came to bring back to life - his spirit.
The Whole Man
The Apostle Paul tells us in 1 Thessalonians 5:23 that man is a tripartite being: spirit, soul and body. For these tri-parts (created in the image of God) God has provided a threefold liberty. When a person is born again, the spirit of man (composed of conscience, intuition, and communion) is infused with the very life and presence of God. This burst of inner life (called justification) often serves to liberate the person from bondages in the soul and, sometimes, even sicknesses in the body. However, regeneration in the spirit does not mean complete liberation and perfection for the soul or body. This is evident in any believer's experience.
The second-fold of God's salvation involves the daily process of cleansing, changing, conforming and renewing the soul into the likeness of the Lord. The soul (composed of a man's mind, will and emotions) is far from perfect. It is in this realm where the habits, patterns and bondages of the past may still be found. By careful and consistent conformity to the will of God, directed from the presence of God in the human spirit, the soul is slowly transformed to become a pleasing habitation of the Lord. This process is called sanctification (or 'set apart' unto holiness).
Finally, the third part of God's salvation involves the body composed of blood, flesh, and bones.) When Christ comes again, the scriptures tell us that we shall be changed and shall receive new bodies like unto the Lord's new body after his resurrection. This is called glorification.
In justification (our past salvation) we were delivered from the penalty of sin (eternal separation from God). In sanctification (our present salvation) we are being delivered from the power of sin in our lives each day. In glorification (our future salvation) we shall be delivered from the very presence of sin.
The scriptures are full of pictures, analogies and parables depicting the teaching of man's tripartite being with God's provisions of salvation. When Jesus cleansed His Father's temple, full of wrath against the men that had turned a house of prayer into a den of thieves, He was revealing God's heart. We too, are the temple of God and thus need the invading presence of the Holy Lord to cleanse us from the 'thieves and robbers' within.
Scriptures Supporting That Christians Can Have Demonic Influence in Their Life
• Matthew 15:22-28 Deliverance is the 'children's bread;' and is therefore particularly reserved for believers
• Matthew 16:22-23 Jesus rebuked the spirit of Satan speaking through Peter
• Mark 1:23 A man with an unclean spirit 'in the synagogue'
• Mark 1:39 Jesus cast out demons 'in the synagogues'
• Luke 9:52-56 Jesus told James and John, ' know not what spirit you are of'
• Luke 13:11-16 A 'daughter of Abraham' was bound by a 'spirit of infirmity'
• Acts 5:3 Satan 'filled the hearts' of two believers to lie to the Holy Spirit
• Acts 8:13, 20-24 Simon, a believer, needed deliverance from the occult
• 1 Cor 5:1-5 Speaks of a believer filled with a spirit of lust and as a result, delivered over to Satan
• 2 Cor 2:10-11 Satan can 'get advantage' over a believer
• 2 Corinthians 11:4 Paul rebukes believers for receiving 'another spirit'
• 2 Corinthians 12:7 Paul was tormented by a 'messenger from Satan'
• Galatians 3:1 Paul rebukes believers for being 'bewitched'
• 1 Timothy 1:19-20 Speaks of two believers who were delivered over to Satan for blasphemy
• 2 Timothy 2:24-26 Believers can be snared and taken captive by the devil
• 1 Timothy 4:1-2 In latter days believers will give heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of demons
• Ephesians 4:25-27 Lying and anger can 'give place' to the devil in a believer's life

Consequences That Follow Denying Demonic Influence
• The old sin nature becomes active whenever there's a compulsive problem in the life.
• All problems in a person's life are taught to be due to their continual 'lack of surrender and control.'
• All inherited characteristics and personality quirks are thought to be unchangeable.
• Psychology, mental health programs, and psychotic drugs are supported and relied upon for complete cure.
• Despair, hopelessness and at times even suicide are fostered within the demonized.
• Demons are given legal ground to stay when a person denies a Christian can have a demon.
• Spiritual pride is reinforced in leaders and keeps them from reexamining their teachings and retracting error.
• Gives ground to accept without question and as law all medical diagnosis and medication.
• People are left open to be snared into cults and religious deception by angels of light. After all, if a believer can't be demonized, aren't they 'safe?'

Define: Deliverance

The term “deliverance” as used for both the process and the result of one's liberation from demonic bondage. Deliverance is achieved by (casting out) driving out evil spirits, using the authority of the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus said, 'In my name they [believers in Him] will drive out demons' Mark 16:17. (There are other extended factors in deliverance such as healing, mind sets, self etc. But for the sake of the topic, we will address the actual subject matter.)
Since some readers may not be familiar with the scriptural grounds for deliverance, we wish to acquaint them with the basic principles of deliverance. Although there are those that are called to different levels, deliverance is a principle of God that we are all, as Christians, called to do.

1. rescue from moral corruption or evil; salvation
2. rescue from bondage or danger.
First meaning of "deliverance" is "to deliver out of the hands of..., to escape." This meaning illustrates God's rescue of His people from the dominion of Satan and the world system. An example is found in the Hebrew word Natsal (Strong's #5337) which is defined as "to snatch, take away; to snatch out of danger, preserve, deliver anyone from danger." For an example: The Israelites etc...
Second, The term deliverance describes the process by which a person, believed to be under the control of an evil supernatural entity (demon) is set free - delivered - from the control of demon or demons. In the New Testament, Jesus and some of His disciples casted out demons from individuals, and delivering them from demon activity.
Now it’s Your Turn
Start with the Basics
The Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke abound with accounts of Jesus casting demons out of people. A major part of His earthly ministry, perhaps as much as one-third, was devoted to deliverance. His purpose in becoming man, dying on the cross and conquering the grave was to defeat Satan in our behalf. “The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil's work” I John 3:8.
Jewish religious leaders were amazed at the authority Jesus exercised over demons. They said, “He even gives orders to evil spirits and they obey him” Mark 1:27. He did not use incantations or any sort of paraphernalia; He merely spoke to these real yet invisible beings and they obeyed Him. “He drove out the spirits with a word...” Matt. 8.16 Furthermore, Jesus trained The Twelve plus seventy-two other disciples and commissioned them to cast out demons.
Jesus called his twelve disciples to him and gave them authority to drive out evil spirits...The Lord appointed seventy-two others...The seventy-two returned with joy and said, “Lord, even the demons submit to us in your name.” Matt. 10:1; Luke 10:1, 17
Prior to His ascension into heaven, Jesus commissioned His Church to preach the Gospel throughout the world, confirming the Word with signs following. The first sign mentioned is deliverance: forcing demons to depart from a person in the Name of Jesus. “And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out devils.
Power of Attorney
Believers in Christ have been entrusted with a spiritual “power of attorney”: authority to act in the absence and interests of another. All authority in heaven and on earth belongs to Jesus (Matt. 28:18), and He has given us complete power over Satan and the demonic kingdom. Jesus said: “I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions, and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you” Luke 10:19
Basics for Deliverance
The Word of God lays down three absolute prerequisites for those who seek deliverance from oppressing evil spirits.
First, one must repent. Repentance is a firm resolve in the Lord to forsake sin and turn about to walk in the ways of God. Ongoing sin in one's life is an open invitation to demons. Yielding to sin is yielding to a 'whom', a person: namely, the devil. 'Do you not know that to whom you present yourselves slaves to obey, you are the one's slaves whom you obey, whether of sin to death, or of obedience to righteousness?' Rom. 6:16
Second, there must be forgiveness toward all others no matter what they have done, how many times they have done it, or whether they continue to offend.
Forgiveness of oneself is also mandatory. Anyone who has any reservation about forgiving any other person is turned over to tormenting demons until he pays the debt of love's forgiveness. 'In anger his master turned him [the unforgiving servant] over to the jailers until he should pay back all he owed. This is how my heavenly Father will treat each of you unless you forgive your brother from your heart' Matt. 18:21-35 (Brackets ours).
Third, there must be a complete separation from every association no matter how casual with the occult, cults and Eastern Religions.
This separation includes the destruction of all books and paraphernalia associated therewith. (Deut. 7:25-26; 18:9-13; Acts 19: 19-21).

Three Offensive Weapons
The name of Jesus.
”Jesus” is the name of absolute authority. His name is above all other names. The authority of Jesus' name is given to everyone who believes in Him for salvation through the forgiveness of sins. Thus, every believer has the right to say to demons, 'Go! In the name of Jesus’.
The power in His blood.
The blood that Jesus shed on the cross is incorruptible - it never dies and never loses its power. To use the blood of Jesus as a weapon, tell the devil and his demons what His blood has done for you. It has ransomed, redeemed, atoned, justified and sanctified you.
The Word of God.
His Word is called 'the sword of the Spirit' Eph. 6:17. We use the Word in warfare when we read or quote aloud applicable scriptures to the devil This is what Jesus did in the time of His wilderness temptations. He said, “Satan, it is written....'”
In times of battle against the devil, the anointing of the Holy Spirit should be sought and anticipated. The power channels for the Holy Spirit's anointing are the gifts of the Spirit. Of special importance in spiritual warfare is the gift of 'discerning of spirits'. By means of this gift there comes a supernatural insight in the spiritual realm so that a person is able to know the presence, nature and activities of evil spirits. The gift of discerning of spirits guides the deliverance minister in his work. We need to be careful calling upon lying spirits to identify themselves and the problems of their victims, for the Holy Spirit can and will reveal to you who they are. Acts 1:8; I Cor. 12:7-11.
Furthermore, the gift of 'faith' arms one with strength to speak to evil spirits with absolute assurance of victory over them. Jesus taught that by speaking in faith one can remove a mountain. Demons indwelling a person represent a mountainous problem that demands removal. The Bible says, 'Covet earnestly the best gifts' and 'desire spiritual gifts' I Cor. 12:31; 14:1.
An effective way to begin a deliverance ministry is for the person seeking deliverance to verbalize specific prayers and confessions. Such prayers will affirm their relationship with Jesus Christ, make definite request of God for deliverance and serve the forces of darkness their eviction notice. (Defensive weapon is prayer. More on that later)
Keeping the Balance
Not every problem is demonic. For example, Jesus healed people without casting out demons. Not every demonic problem is exclusively demonic; there are also fleshly attitudes, mind sets and activities which must be crucified. Corrupt flesh and unclean spirits are companions; you rarely find one without the other. Anyone who receives deliverance cannot expect to retain his deliverance apart from disciplined living. His tongue, mind, emotions, will, physical appetites, finances and his spirit-man must remain rigorously disciplined. 'Like a city whose walls are broken down is a man who lacks self-control' Prov. 25:28. The enemy has ready access to the life of one whose walls of discipline are not solidly constructed.
Many times inner healing and council is needed in the progression of self discipleship. It is important to keep a balance of the whole man when administering deliverance; bringing deliverance, healing, and discipleship to a person in part only provides temporary freedom.
There are as many ways to approach healing and deliverance as there is people. Learn from others. See what God it teaching other ministers and pray about what and how to apply new revelation to your ministry. Don’t fall in deception thinking your way is the only way. (Putting God in a box) Always pray and seek Holy Spirits guidance.

Carol Crook 2/11/10



  1. I wish you were still blogging! -- have you moved to a new one?

  2. if you get this message....please email me! I would love to correspond
